The (Sim) Laws of MYSverse

MYSverse Sim has hundreds of laws that mirror real-world Malaysia, adding depth and realism to its virtual community. Understanding them is key to navigating the world of MYSverse!

The (Sim) Laws of MYSverse

It is no secret that MYSverse was once a Ro-Nation (a portmanteau for Roblox Nation) with its own government, legislature, and not to forget—laws. You heard that precisely—MYSverse has laws to rule its land and people. These laws exist in hundreds of documents and pages covering multiple sectors—businesses, finance, crime, government bodies, and many more. For many, this isn't a surprise. For those who think it is (and perhaps are wondering why they got arrested in Bandaraya), this article may explain why and how laws exist in MYSverse.

Why Laws?

The Federal Gazette of MYSverse, containing hundreds of laws and archives since 2018. Warta Persekutuan MYSverse, yang mengandungi beratus-ratus undang-undang dan arkib sejak 2018.

MYSverse Sim functions as a separate part from MYSverse. MYSverse is community-oriented—more focused towards the gaming aspect of Roblox and the general Malaysian community. Meanwhile, MYSverse Sim is the Ro-Nation aspect of MYSverse focused on simulating Malaysia as a nation; one with its own police, military, politics, and judicial courts. These laws stand to regulate how MYSverse Sim, as a nation, is run. It also ensures that both organisations and individuals in MYSverse behave according to the laws in place. While MYSverse laws come from MYSverse Sim, they also affect MYSverse as a whole!

Of course, those are the theoretical ways of looking at our laws. However, it does make sense from the technical perspective. It alleviates the burden of regulating the Sim community from the Administration. The Administration cannot possibly regulate all aspects within MYSverse as it has to simultaneously regulate how the group and the organisation are run, so it mandates those powers to the Sim community. It encourages members of the Sim community to practice self-regulation, be more self-sufficient, and flourish by themselves.

The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission Act 2022 [Act 104]. Akta Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah 2022 [Akta 104].

How Do They Exist?

Chamber of the House of Representatives. Tempat persidangan Dewan Rakyat.

The laws in MYSverse require quite a bureaucratic process to become law in the first place. It is similar to how it is done in real-life Malaysia. For these laws to exist, they must first pass the legislature—the Parliament—and then receive royal assent (Malay: perkenan diraja) by the Ketua Monarki as a formal approval to the law, and finally be put into effect by the Gazette—a publication on the actions of the government.

These laws are first drafted as bills (Malay: Rang Undang-Undang), which are proposals for a new law. Normally, these bills are drafted by the government's cabinet. However, these laws could also be drafted by a member of parliament which makes the bill a "private member bill". Once a bill is deemed finished, it goes to Parliament for scrutiny and debate.

A bill must pass both houses of Parliament to become law, the Dewan Rakyat (House of Representatives) and the Dewan Negara (Senate). In Dewan Rakyat, these bills are introduced to the House and immediately debated. It is different to how it is done in real life for practicality because in real life, it takes three readings which covers the introduction, the debate, and the approval of the bill. In MYSverse, it only takes one reading which accounts the process for all three readings.

Bills require approval by the majority of the House to proceed to the Senate. For constitutional amendments, it requires two-thirds of the House. If the bill fails to pass in Dewan Rakyat, the bill is returned for another drafting session and is introduced again in another Dewan Rakyat meeting. If the bill passes Dewan Rakyat, it moves on to Dewan Negara to go through the same process that was done in Dewan Rakyat. However, if a bill fails to pass Dewan Negara, it is returned to Dewan Rakyat to go through the process all over again.

If the bill passes both houses, the bill would be sent to the Ketua Monarki—the MYSverse sovereign—for royal assent. Royal assent is how the King formally approves a bill by Parliament, and the Ketua Monarki's royal assent signs a bill into an act—a law! These laws would only need to be published through the Gazette by government ministers.

The King of MYSverse. Ketua Monarki MYSverse. (Source: @MYS_Royals)

How Do MYSverse Sim Laws Affect Us?

Bandaraya after a riot. Bandaraya setelah rusuhan.

In many ways, it affects the lives of many MYSverse players. It does not matter whether you are a regular visitor in Bandaraya or a long-time politician—these laws affect you! Criminal activities, riots, police authority, speed limits, military deployment; there are laws for these.

Whenever there are laws, people are normally inclined to discuss them. When there are laws that put the public at a disadvantage, people come out to criticise those laws (and even bills, way before they become a law) and suggest fixes to existing laws. When there are laws that put the public at an advantage, the public would encourage the existence and practice of these laws. In practice, the laws of MYSverse fire up the political spirit, increase political participation, and encourage the community to be active.


Whether it is about doing zig-zags on Jalan Ampang at 70 SPS, defending yourself, parking in the wrong spot, or even striking a secret political deal, the laws that are in place are what ultimately makes MYSverse Sim a realistic roleplay of a Ro-Nation. While you're driving around Bandaraya, make sure to not violate the laws. Remember, there are ways in which we enforce these laws!

Old image of Polis MYSverse patrolling in Kuala Lumpur. Gambar foto lama Polis MYSverse yang sedang meronda di Kuala Lumpur. (Source: yan3321)