Introducing Sentral and new web platforms
Meet the MYSverse website, blog, and companion app Sentral

Hello everyone!
Yan here, back with some exciting news to share about our web platforms.

You've probably checked it out recently, but the first point of contact is the MYSverse website, where you can check out our projects, social medias, contact information and other platforms like the blog and Sentral! I'll be introducing them next, but like everything else we have big plans for this site, such as live community and game statistics, and other fun tidbits as we go along.

Next up is the MYSverse Blog (the thing you're reading now), your home for all written content regarding MYSverse. Not only will we be posting announcements and news, we've enlisted the help of veteran community members to write interesting or entertaining articles regarding the group, such as its history, facts, and other easter eggs. In the future, we're looking to invite selected guests, within or outside the community to provide their valuable insight as well.
If you're interested in staying up to date, you can subscribe to the free newsletter with your email, but for players looking for another way to support our development, we're introducing Blog+ - our blog subscription service where you can get perks like commenting privileges, exclusive articles, and our premium newsletter at an affordable price.

Now for the juicy bit - I'm pleased to announce Sentral, the official companion app for MYSverse and MYSverse Sim, offering game statistics for Roblox, group analytics tools, and much more to come!
Building off the work of MYX Labs, Sentral incorporates the new Roblox OAuth 2.0 API which allows you to log in securely without needing a separate account. We believe our application is one of the first to have a functional implementation - especially within our community, resulting in a more convenient and secure experience for all users.

The headliner of this new application is Tracer, where you will be able to track your statistics across all MYSverse games moving forward - for example, currently you can view insights for Bandar such as playtime, currencies, in-game job records - and your in-game arrests and summonses if you've been naughty.
Lebuhraya support is up next and in the works.
Together, these three applications form the basis of our web-based channels, part of our content strategy including social media and Roblox games.
These efforts lay the groundwork for the changes we'll be making to our games, which we haven't gotten to yet, but I can guarantee you that it will be be much more exciting and impactful.
MYSverse, even during its "ro-nation" era, has always been known for staying ahead of the technological curve, and this is one of many efforts in our plan to become the premier Malaysian metaverse.
Be sure to follow all our social media channels to stay ahead of what's happening!
And once again, we thank you for supporting us on this ambitious journey.